
How to get to PalaLuiss by public transports

  • from Termini Station: Underground line A towards Battistini – stop Flaminio – tram 2 towards Mancini, until last stop
  • from Tiburtina Station: bus 168 towards L.go M.llo Diaz, get off at stop MAXXI

How to get to PalaLuiss by car

  • from Naples: take A1/E45 towards via Flaminia Nuova – continue onto via Flaminia Nuova – take Corso Francia toward Piazza Mancini/Viale Pinturicchio
  • from Milan: take A1/E35 towards via Flaminia Nuova – continue onto via Flaminia Nuova – take Corso Francia toward Piazza Mancini/Viale Pinturicchio

It is possible to book PalaLuiss’ facilities by contacting the PalaLuiss Office by phone on 06-3234333 or by email at