
Luiss sport scholarship provides for total or partial exemption from the payment of the contribution foreseen for the attendance of the course to which the student is enrolled in the academic year of reference, with the exception of the regional tax for the study right, where provided, in addition to the possibility to benefit from free food and accommodation.

In each academic year, the student-athletes belonging to the “Luiss Top Athletes – LTA” and “Luiss Pro Athletes – LPA” categories, will necessarily have to acquire at least 50% of the university credits (CFU) provided for in their study plan, to maintain the scholarship allocation.

The sports disciplines for which annual scholarships are awarded for sporting merits are:

Athletics Swimming
Bridge Basket
Rowing Fencing
Horse Riding Skiing
Golf Tennis


Luiss Sport Academy Commission reserves the right to request, on the basis of financial resources, to the Executive Committee of Luiss Guido Carli, the assignment of one or more extraordinary scholarships to students-athletes, practicing sports activities not provided in the schedule indicated above, to be evaluated according to specific cases.

On March 5th of each academic year of reference, it is the deadline for submitting the application for the scholarship. The extension of this term refers, in particular, to the student-athletes, identified in the Luiss Top Athletes category, and possibly for some Luiss Pro-Athletes student-athletes selected for participation in AS Luiss sports teams, as provided by art. 5 of the Luiss Sport Program. Inevitably, the Luiss Sport Academy Commission meets to deliberate on the assignment of scholarships exclusively for the Luiss Top Athletes category, definitively, no later than July 15th of each academic year.