Eccellenza League

In the sports season 2020/21 the team will play in the Championship of Excellence.

Leo Cisotta, Luiss Football Manager: “Since 2009 has started a path made of 4 promotions in 10 years. From the Third Category to Excellence, which now comes with a repechage after a second place in the 2018/19 Promotion season and a fourth place in the past season, then interrupted by the pandemic that shocked the world and stopped the whole sport. Now we are facing a new important challenge and a unique model in the Italian university panorama. Reconciling two careers at a high level seemed an impossible union twenty years ago. The commitment and far-sightedness of Luiss University towards sport have been rewarded by results of absolute value, which have allowed the University to become a reference point for all those who want to continue to study and practice sport. The result that we are recognized today is also the result of the commitment of many Luiss graduates, former students, who have decided to dedicate time and availability to the younger generations of students, in a virtuous perspective of restitution of what they received in terms of education, growth and personal development”.




Mister: Cristian Ledesma
General Manager Luiss Football: Leo Cisotta

Days and training hours

The promotion football team trains at FutbolCampus (Via del Baiardo) the following days:

Tuesday 21.00 – 22.30
Thursday 21.00 – 22.30
Saturday 11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Wanna join the team?

If you want to join the team send an email to

In the subject specify the sport you want and attached a short sports curriculum.

You will be contacted by the Luiss Sport Office or directly by the Team Manager of the team.