Circolo Canottieri Tevere Remo

How to get to Circolo Canottieri Tevere Remo by public transports:
– from Termini: underground line A towards Battistini – stop Flaminio – walk for 650 meters towards Lungotevere in Augusta 28

– from Tiburtina station: bus 490 towards Cornelia or 495 towards Valle Aurelia – get off at the stop Flaminio – walk for 450 meters towards Lungotevere in Augusta 28

By car:
– from Naples: take A1/E45 towards Via Alfonso Torelli in Rome – take the exit Portonaccio from A24 – take Via di Portonaccio, Via Tiburtina, Via Catania, Via Giovanni Battista Morgagni… and Viale del Muro Torto in direzione di towards Lungotevere in Augusta

– from Milan: take A1 and E35 towards Via Flaminia Nuova in Rome – continue on Via Flaminia Nuova – take Corso di Francia, Lungotevere Flaminio and Lungotevere Michelangelo towards Lungotevere in Augusta

Our rowing team trains there on the following days:

  •  Tue 8 PM, Thurs 8 PM, Sat 9.30 AM
