Basket B series: speaks the captain Faragalli

  • 2 November 2017

“Talent makes winning matches, intelligence and team working makes winning a championship” said Michael Jordan, this quote fits perfectly with the mentality and vision of our basketball team and in particular of the captain Francesco Faragalli, playmaker from Roseto Sharks.

“I wa3 3 when I dreamt to be Michale Jordan and I memorize every Spase Jam’s dialogues. While, when I was four, accompanied by my father, for the first time I entered in a basketball field. Since that day, started my challenge that gave to me lots of satisfaction and today represents my passion and my anti-stress.

Francesco is one of many guys that caught the opportunity given by the Dual Career, a LUISS project, succeeding at combine study, obtaining a degree in Economics and Business, with Basket and its constant trainings:

“We have four evening workouts, from Tuesday to Friday, 19 to 21, moreover we have a weight session on Tuesday morning and one of shooting on Thursday. Combine sportive career with education it’s an objective that I had since the high school, the Dual Career it’s an opportunity that needs to be persecuted with diligence, sacrifice and responsibility”.

But the challenges aren’t over for our number 4, that actually frequents the Master Degree in Management, because he has as a future perspective to became a manager; at the same time, with his teammates, he has an entire championship to play.