Selections open for University Football and Male Volleyball teams
On Monday, September 16, the selections for the University Soccer Team opened. The coach Roberto Giovannetti has seen the many boys (more than eighty) who took to the field.
The next session will be held tonight at 20:30 at the FutbolCampus in Via del Baiardo. Anyone interested is invited to attend the training sessions.
Also this year the team will try to win the final of the Tre Fontane, to then go to the assault of the Tournament of the Universities of Rome.
Selections are also open for men’s volleyball. The team, promoted to D league, is looking for good elements to complete the squad in view of a season that promises to be challenging.
Tomorrow at 20:30 the PalaLuiss will host the auditions of the team coached by Lorenzo Narduzzi. The aspiring volleyball players of the University are called to take part.
Good luck to all!