From two oars to two wheels, dreaming of Route 66: Vincenzo Abbagnale for #ASLuissFreeTime

  • 22 February 2021

Vincenzo Abbagnale‘s love for two oars is a family affair. Our Top Athlete is, in fact, son and nephew of art: his father and uncle are the most famous couple in the history of Italian rowing. This passion, however, is joined by many others and the main one is motorbike. From the two oars to the two wheels, therefore, dreaming of Route 66. Even if his favorite place in the saddle remains the Amalfi Coast, because you never forget your first love. He told us about it, the fourth protagonist of #ASLuissFreeTime.

Enzo, how did you approach this passion?

I started riding a scooter very early, for sporting needs. I was already training in the morning before school when I was 14, and I got my license early to avoid my parents having to get up at 5 am. That’s how my passion for two wheels was born, then at 18 I was able to ride some bigger bikes.

What are your favorites?

I’ve had several, but always naked bikes. Naked bikes are the ones I prefer: the right compromise between a sport bike and a street bike. They are easy to handle and suitable for both the city and the outdoors. So, perfect for me who, having a sporty career, can’t be too reckless.

Is there any figure from the motorsports world that has inspired you?

Not particularly, because I’ve never been a big motorcycling fan. I don’t really watch MotoGp or Formula 1. I like riding motorcycles for so many other reasons.

Such as?

It helps me unload and unplug. I take beautiful rides along the Amalfi Coast, my homeland. I’ve also done a few little trips in Italy, but only up to 300-400 km, for example to reach Umbria or Sabaudia.

Would you like to take a longer trip?

Very much, my dream is the States: Route 66 or a trip from the East to the West Coast.

How do you combine this passion with your sports and academic commitments?

I often feel the need to relax on two wheels. I miss my bike a lot when I’m away, I’d love to take it on a trip, but it’s a bit uncomfortable. Whenever I come back down, I take it for a little ride, any time of the year. Obviously in the summer time it’s easier, while in the winter the roads are cold or wet and, therefore, more dangerous.

What is your favorite place to go?

The Coast, always. Even though I’ve gone there so many times, passing Positano or Amalfi is priceless.

Tell our readers a little trick: what is the best way to take a curve?

With both hands on the handlebars. Joking aside, contrary to popular belief, the bike is ridden with the legs. Your arms keep you in trim and your hands use the controls, but it’s your lower body that makes the difference. It all starts with the position of the feet, then the legs give direction to the bike. It’s no coincidence that professional riders often train on bicycles.

We thank Enzo Abbagnale for the chat. If you take the turns mastering the bike thanks to your legs, show us tagged @sportluiss in your Instagram Stories and using the hashtag #ASLuissFreeTime.