University Football, twins Ciccioriccio on Dual career

  • 13 November 2017


We asked some questions to twins Ciccioriccio , LUISS’ university Football team players that on November the 8th will start the university tournament.

These are their answer:

What’s like be part of a LUISS team?
“It’s an amazing experience that make us able to combine study with sport and fun. What we think is that it’s like being a part of an enormous family: sometimes we fight, but we love each other and we want to reach the same objective, the victory”

What’s like play in the same university team?
“My brother and I are best friends other than twins. Even with football we begun together at the age of eight, and now we are still together. In the football field, we have a lot of complicity, even if sometimes we hardly criticize the other one. I’m sure that in future we will continue playing together, because the emotion that we share in the football field are special. The only problem concerned our teammates and our coach that had to find some physical differences to distinguish me and my brother”

The organize skill developed with sport helped you also in study?
“The principal sentiment which I feel for LUISS sportive association is the gratitude because it gave me the opportunity to play and to study. When I began the university, I decided to leave football, but the chance to be a part of LUISS football team for me was the best gift I could have expected. Generally, I can confirm that this experience helped me to organize at best my university commitments”

Future plans?
“Unfortunately, being this the last university year will be either my last season with LUISS team. These was five mazing years. In the future, I see me as a business consultant but also as a goal keeper! Even if I will no more be a part of this team, I can’t stop to cultivate my biggest passion”.
